We should learn first programming language 2021 ?

3 min readFeb 7, 2021

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we’ll talk about which should be the first programming language you should learn .If you want to be as Software developers .

1. Java And Javascript Programming Language

So if you want to get into web Build , and if you know that you want to get into web programming, like where designing website building, go with, go with Javascript. There’s no harm in starting with JavaScript, because infact, in JavaScript it self, you will learn lots of things. They will learn about variables. They will learn about, how to use viral loop, how to use for loops . And that’s what we learned, right? When you learn a new language, it doesn’t matter if it’s language to start with the first [inaudible] the second one, the second code, you will write this addition of two numbers.

What is Javascript function tutorial 》》


Then you will go for C, which is even odd numbers. They will go for . you will try to print the pattern. The same thing is applicable in all the languages. And if you know that you will be going for web development, why not? I can start with JavaScript because if you can, if you can use Java as could the advantages, so you can actually see something happening, you know, first of all, you have to learn HTML for that. So learn, HTML learn CSS and go for a Java script so that you can actually make webpages. And trust me, when you build your first webpage, you will feel happy. You know, you will get that confidence of building, building a pages, and then you can combine multiple pages. You will get a website, right? So you can build your first website just by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But the only thing is that will be a website. you can not work with a database and all those things, but then you have a website, right? So if you want to build a website, go with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript,

Best Programming Language 2021》》

3. Python Programming Language

but then website development is not your main aim. You want to go for scripting, or you want to just learn a programming language. I would recommend you to go for Python because Python is very, very easy to learn at this and the initial phase. So if you want to learn Python, and if you want to learn it very easy, I mean, if you want to learn programming easily, go with Python. It’s easy to work with. I mean I’m not saying it is very, very, very easy, but it is easy to visit to work with then.

So if you want to, for web development, of course go for a Javascript.

4. C And C++ programming language

If you want to go for outside scripting, if you want to learn programming, go for, but then if you’re not sure, okay, if you’re not sure what I want to do u just want to learn a programming language. That’s where people start with C because C is the first complete language. You know, you want to, uh, if you want to be something in future and you feel not what you want to be, have to, you have to follow certain steps. So you have to learn. First-line C brook. you will understand what is programming then Necessary C++ , you can understand how to use objects inside C and then you can go ahead with Java, because if you’re not sure what to learn, because I mean, if you’re not sure what to be in future, learn Java, and then you can get into everywhere, right? Full Artical Here 》》

